XPRIZE announces a $10M contest for remotely controlled robotic avatars

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XPRIZE announces a $10M contest for remotely controlled robotic avatars

 XPRIZE announced today that it’s teaming up with Japanese airline All Nippon Airways on a new $10 million competition.
XPRIZE founder and chairman Peter Diamandis said the ANA team was interested in an XPRIZE around “reinventing travel,” which eventually turned into a prize for developing technology that would actually eliminate the need to physically travel in some… Read More
 XPRIZE announced today that it’s teaming up with Japanese airline All Nippon Airways on a new $10 million competition.
XPRIZE founder and chairman Peter Diamandis said the ANA team was interested in an XPRIZE around “reinventing travel,” which eventually turned into a prize for developing technology that would actually eliminate the need to physically travel in some… Read More

Anthony Hahttps://techcrunch.com/feed/TechCrunchhttps://techcrunch.com/2018/03/12/ana-avatar-xprize/?ncid=rss

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