Spectrum’s Versatile Digital I/O Card Shrinks Size and Cost

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Spectrum’s Versatile Digital I/O Card Shrinks Size and Cost

The model M2p.7515-x4 is a half-length PCIe card that measures just 168 x 107 mm, it can be inserted into almost any desktop PC and features 32 parallel channels that can be clocked at speeds up to 125 MHz.

The model M2p.7515-x4 is a half-length PCIe card that measures just 168 x 107 mm, it can be inserted into almost any desktop PC and features 32 parallel channels that can be clocked at speeds up to 125 MHz.

http://www.microwavejournal.com/rss/topic/3369-industry-newsIndustry Newshttps://www.microwavejournal.com/articles/35856-spectrums-versatile-digital-i-o-card-shrinks-size-and-cost

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