My Journey to Open Science

By admin In News, Technology, Wireless Cell Telecom No comments

My Journey to Open ScienceMy happiest workdays are the ones I spend in the lab with my students. These young people are so full of energy; they recharge me. When it’s time for them to report their results, I always ask them, “What’s the story? What is the message you want to convey?” Once they figure that out, they are ready to start writing.My happiest workdays are the ones I spend in the lab with my students. These young people are so full of energy; they recharge me. When it’s time for them to report their results, I always ask them, “What’s the story? What is the message you want to convey?” Once they figure that out, they are ready to start writing.Guy Rouleau RSS feed.Wireless News CampaignApril 1, 2020

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