Flexible scaffold-based cheminformatics approach for polypharmacological drug design

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Flexible scaffold-based cheminformatics approach for polypharmacological drug designThe flexible scaffold-based cheminformatics approach (FSCA) unlocks the potential of drug design to create polypharmacological drugs that open up treatment possibilities for complex brain disorders.The flexible scaffold-based cheminformatics approach (FSCA) unlocks the potential of drug design to create polypharmacological drugs that open up treatment possibilities for complex brain disorders.Zhangcheng Chen, Jing Yu, Huan Wang, Peiyu Xu, Luyu Fan, Fengxiu Sun, Sijie Huang, Pei Zhang, He Huang, Shuo Gu, Bowen Zhang, Yue Zhou, Xiaobo Wan, Gang Pei, H. Eric Xu, Jianjun Cheng, Sheng Wanghttps://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(24)00237-X?rss=yeshttp://www.cell.com/cell/inpress.rssCellCell RSS feed.Wireless News CampaignMarch 29, 2024

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