Camera rental startup KitSplit raises $2.1M

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Camera rental startup KitSplit raises $2.1M

filmmaker sunset KitSplit, which operates amarketplace for creative equipment, is announcing that it’s raised $2.1 million in seed funding. The equipment available for rental can include cameras, lights and lenses, but also VR gear and drones. Renters get access to this equipment for a lower price, while the equipment owners get to make some extra money from equipment when they’re not using it. Read More
filmmaker sunset KitSplit, which operates amarketplace for creative equipment, is announcing that it’s raised $2.1 million in seed funding. The equipment available for rental can include cameras, lights and lenses, but also VR gear and drones. Renters get access to this equipment for a lower price, while the equipment owners get to make some extra money from equipment when they’re not using it. Read More

Anthony Ha

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