Anritsu and EMITE Announce 802.11ax TRP/TIS OTA Test Platform

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Anritsu and EMITE Announce 802.11ax TRP/TIS OTA Test Platform

Anritsu and EMITE are proud to announce their latest combined solution for testing the latest IEEE 802.11 WLAN standard.  Being able to test the latest WLAN standards keep EMITE and Anritsu in the edge of technology for helping customers and service providers deliver their WLAN solutions to the market with total confidence in the performance.

Anritsu and EMITE are proud to announce their latest combined solution for testing the latest IEEE 802.11 WLAN standard.  Being able to test the latest WLAN standards keep EMITE and Anritsu in the edge of technology for helping customers and service providers deliver their WLAN solutions to the market with total confidence in the performance. News

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