CEA-Leti Selected to Coordinate Two EU Projects for Developing 6G

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CEA-Leti Selected to Coordinate Two EU Projects for Developing 6G

As part of the EU’s drive to support a multifaceted approach to addressing 6G challenges and promises, CEA-Leti has been chosen to coordinate two projects to help build first-class 6G technology capabilities and boost standardization efforts across Europe.

As part of the EU’s drive to support a multifaceted approach to addressing 6G challenges and promises, CEA-Leti has been chosen to coordinate two projects to help build first-class 6G technology capabilities and boost standardization efforts across Europe.

http://www.microwavejournal.com/rss/topic/3369-industry-newsIndustry Newshttps://www.microwavejournal.com/articles/41845-cea-leti-selected-to-coordinate-two-eu-projects-for-developing-6g

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