The choroid plexus synergizes with immune cells during neuroinflammation

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The choroid plexus synergizes with immune cells during neuroinflammationThe choroid plexus (ChP) is a hub of immune activity in which a specialized population of epithelial cells coordinates stepwise immune cell recruitment, infiltration, differentiation, and adhesion to the ChP upon acute brain inflammation. Such coordination contributes to the timely breakdown and repair of the ChP brain barrier.The choroid plexus (ChP) is a hub of immune activity in which a specialized population of epithelial cells coordinates stepwise immune cell recruitment, infiltration, differentiation, and adhesion to the ChP upon acute brain inflammation. Such coordination contributes to the timely breakdown and repair of the ChP brain barrier.Huixin Xu, Peter Lotfy, Sivan Gelb, Aja Pragana, Christine Hehnly, Lillian I.J. Byer, Frederick B. Shipley, Miriam E. Zawadzki, Jin Cui, Liwen Deng, Milo Taylor, Mya Webb, Hart G.W. Lidov, Mark L. Andermann, Isaac M. Chiu, Jose Ordovas-Montanes, Maria K. Lehtinen RSS feed.Wireless News CampaignAugust 1, 2024

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