Rhodoquinone carries electrons in the mammalian electron transport chain

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Rhodoquinone carries electrons in the mammalian electron transport chainValeros et al. identify rhodoquinone (RQ), an electron carrier present in mammalian mitochondria, that can deliver electrons to fumarate instead of O2 as the terminal electron acceptor. The authors develop tools to reprogram the ETC to the RQ/fumarate pathway, conferring resistance to hypoxia in vitro and in vivo.Valeros et al. identify rhodoquinone (RQ), an electron carrier present in mammalian mitochondria, that can deliver electrons to fumarate instead of O2 as the terminal electron acceptor. The authors develop tools to reprogram the ETC to the RQ/fumarate pathway, conferring resistance to hypoxia in vitro and in vivo.Jonathan Valeros, Madison Jerome, Tenzin Tseyang, Paula Vo, Thang Do, Diana Fajardo Palomino, Nils Grotehans, Manisha Kunala, Alexandra E. Jerrett, Nicolai R. Hathiramani, Michael Mireku, Rayna Y. Magesh, Batuhan Yenilmez, Paul C. Rosen, Jessica L. Mann, Jacob W. Myers, Tenzin Kunchok, Tanner L. Manning, Lily N. Boercker, Paige E. Carr, Muhammad Bin Munim, Caroline A. Lewis, David M. Sabatini, Mark Kelly, Jun Xie, Michael P. Czech, Guangping Gao, Jennifer N. Shepherd, Amy K. Walker, Hahn Kim, Emma V. Watson, Jessica B. Spinellihttps://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(24)01420-X?rss=yeshttp://www.cell.com/cell/inpress.rssCellCell RSS feed.Wireless News CampaignFebruary 5, 2025

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