Multi-layered computational gene networks by engineered tristate logics

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Multi-layered computational gene networks by engineered tristate logicsBy using engineered tristate buffers as basic signal processing units in mammalian cells, various arithmetic logics of interest can be flexibly and systematically mapped to construct complex computational gene networks for diverse applications in biocomputation and cell-based therapies.By using engineered tristate buffers as basic signal processing units in mammalian cells, various arithmetic logics of interest can be flexibly and systematically mapped to construct complex computational gene networks for diverse applications in biocomputation and cell-based therapies.Jiawei Shao, Xinyuan Qiu, Lihang Zhang, Shichao Li, Shuai Xue, Yaqing Si, Yilin Li, Jian Jiang, Yuhang Wu, Qiqi Xiong, Yukai Wang, Qidi Chen, Ting Gao, Lingyun Zhu, Hui Wang, Mingqi Xie RSS feed.Wireless News CampaignAugust 1, 2024

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