Long-term mesoscale imaging of 3D intercellular dynamics across a mammalian organ

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Long-term mesoscale imaging of 3D intercellular dynamics across a mammalian organRUSH3D, with the integration of multiple computational imaging methods based on a scanning light-field framework, facilitates long-term, high-speed, centimeter-wide mesoscale 3D imaging at single-cell resolution in a compact system for broad practical applications in understanding large-scale intercellular dynamics at the mammalian organ level. We have demonstrated cortex-wide large-population neural recording with cross-day registration during multisensory input, the formation and progression of multiple germinal centers in mouse inguinal lymph nodes, and cortex-wide heterogeneous immune responses after traumatic brain injury.RUSH3D, with the integration of multiple computational imaging methods based on a scanning light-field framework, facilitates long-term, high-speed, centimeter-wide mesoscale 3D imaging at single-cell resolution in a compact system for broad practical applications in understanding large-scale intercellular dynamics at the mammalian organ level. We have demonstrated cortex-wide large-population neural recording with cross-day registration during multisensory input, the formation and progression of multiple germinal centers in mouse inguinal lymph nodes, and cortex-wide heterogeneous immune responses after traumatic brain injury.Yuanlong Zhang, Mingrui Wang, Qiyu Zhu, Yuduo Guo, Bo Liu, Jiamin Li, Xiao Yao, Chui Kong, Yi Zhang, Yuchao Huang, Hai Qi, Jiamin Wu, Zengcai V. Guo, Qionghai Daihttps://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(24)00917-6?rss=yeshttp://www.cell.com/cell/inpress.rssCellCell RSS feed.Wireless News CampaignSeptember 14, 2024

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