Dual BACH1 regulation by complementary SCF-type E3 ligases
Dual BACH1 regulation by complementary SCF-type E3 ligasesThe transcription factor BACH1 is regulated by two distinct E3 ligases, SCFFBXO22 and SCFFBXL17, through complementary degrons in its BTB domain that enable differentiation between its native and destabilized dimeric forms.The transcription factor BACH1 is regulated by two distinct E3 ligases, SCFFBXO22 and SCFFBXL17, through complementary degrons in its BTB domain that enable differentiation between its native and destabilized dimeric forms.Benedikt Goretzki, Maryam Khoshouei, Martin Schröder, Patrick Penner, Luca Egger, Christine Stephan, Dayana Argoti, Nele Dierlamm, Jimena Maria Rada, Sandra Kapps, Catrin Swantje Müller, Zacharias Thiel, Merve Mutlu, Claude Tschopp, David Furkert, Felix Freuler, Simon Haenni, Laurent Tenaillon, Britta Knapp, Alexandra Hinniger, Philipp Hoppe, Enrico Schmidt, Sascha Gutmann, Mario Iurlaro, Grigory Ryzhakov, César Fernándezhttps://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(24)01322-9?rss=yeshttp://www.cell.com/cell/inpress.rssCellCell RSS feed.Wireless News CampaignDecember 10, 2024
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